Tyre net from aircrafttyres to protect pneumatic or Yokohama fenders.
Tyre net from aircrafttyres to protect pneumatic or Yokohama fenders.
Truck tires, and in particular, car tires offer a low ply rating. Typically, truck and car tires will have a 6 to 12 ply rating in the tread and half the plies in the sidewall. An aircraft tire runs double, triple or even quadruple the ply rating bead to bead.
Truck and car tires are comprised mostly of synthetic rubber compounds which become easily weathered and break down structurally when extreme amounts of pressure are applied.
 Aircraft tires are the best structurally engineered tires in the world, withÂstanding pressure 100 times that of a car or truck tire. Aircraft tires are made from natural rubber and are much less susceptible to weathering, thus providing a greater life expectancy and keeping your equipement protected longer.
On average an aircraft tire will outlast truck and car tires 10 to 1. As a result, your equipment's protection time is lengthened by the same ratio.
Aircrafttires offer a complete uniform apperance unlike the varied tread designs of car and truck tires. Your equipment looks better.
An aircraft tire is designed to carry same load as an earthmover while running at the speed of a Formula 1 racer!! On take-off, for a short period, it has to resist a speed of around 360 kph while carrying a weight that sometimes exceeds 30 tonnes per tire. The temperature variations are just as extreme. At the end of a landing, its temperature may exceed 100 °C whereas, shortly before, in the hold, it was at a temperature of -45 °C