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Aircraft tires non fly
See our list aircrafttire retreads
Aircrafttires for agriculture and industrial use No conventional tire of comparable size is constructed as durable and strong as a aircraft tyre. For explanation click Construction of aircraft tyres. Aircraft tires are used in mining, steel mill (kress slag pot carriers), recycling, agriculture, landscape trailers, boat bumpers, boat lifter and for static caravan. For specifications aircrafttyres see goodyear aircraft tire data. A aircraft tire is designed to carry same load as an earthmover while running at the speed of a Formula 1 racer!! On take-off, for a short period, it has to resist a speed of around 360 kph while carrying a weight that sometimes exceeds 30 tonnes per tire. The temperature variations are just as extreme. At the end of a landing, its temperature may exceed 100 °C whereas, shortly before, in the hold, it was at a temperature of –45°
Aircraft tires non fly
See our list aircrafttire retreads
Aircrafttires for agriculture and industrial use No conventional tire of comparable size is constructed as durable and strong as a aircraft tyre. For explanation click Construction of aircraft tyres. Aircraft tires are used in mining, steel mill (kress slag pot carriers), recycling, agriculture, landscape trailers, boat bumpers, boat lifter and for static caravan. For specifications aircrafttyres see goodyear aircraft tire data. A aircraft tire is designed to carry same load as an earthmover while running at the speed of a Formula 1 racer!! On take-off, for a short period, it has to resist a speed of around 360 kph while carrying a weight that sometimes exceeds 30 tonnes per tire. The temperature variations are just as extreme. At the end of a landing, its temperature may exceed 100 °C whereas, shortly before, in the hold, it was at a temperature of –45°
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